The Sabin Center has conducted several comprehensive surveys to evaluate how the Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) required under NEPA and state law analogs treat the issue of climate change.
Survey of Climate Change Considerations in Federal EISs, Fall 2016
Report: Saloni Jain et al., How Did Federal Environmental Impact Statements Address Climate Change in 2016? (Feb. 2017) (report focuses on how agencies were implementing the CEQ Guidance on Climate Change and NEPA Reviews immediately after its finalization)
Excel Database: Climate change considerations in federal EISs (covers the period Sept. 2016 – Nov. 2016)
Survey of Climate Change Considerations in Federal EISs, 2012-2014
Report: Jessica Wentz, Grant Glovin, and Adrian Ang, Survey of Climate Change Considerations in Federal Environmental Impact Statements, 2012-2014 (Feb. 2016)
Excel database: Climate change considerations in federal EISs (covers the period August 1, 2012 – December 31, 2014)
Survey of Climate Change Considerations in Federal EISs, 2009-2012
Report: Patrick Woolsey, White Paper on the Consideration of Climate Change in Federal EISs, 2009-2011 (July 2012)
Excel database: Climate change considerations in federal EISs (covers the period January 1, 2009 to July 31, 2012)
Matrix: Summarizing the impacts discussed in the EISs for this survey
Survey of Water-Related Issues in Federal EISs, 2012
Report: Cathy Li, Discussion of Climate Change-Related Water Impacts in Federal Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), January-September 2012 (March 2013)
Excel database: Detailing the extent to which federal agencies address topics related to water and climate change in 149 EISs (covers the period January 1 to September 30, 2012)
Survey of Climate Change Considerations in California EIRs, 2009-2010
Excel database: climate change considerations in Environmental Impact Reports submitted under the California Environmental Quality Act (covers the period from July 1, 2009 – July 7, 2010).