Explanation: Management Plan

Explanation: Management Plan
Date | Action | Explanation | Agency | Excerpt | |
2019-03-15 | BLM Opens 9 Million Acres of Sage Grouse Habitat for Drilling and Mining | Management Plan | BLM, DOI | BLM opened approximately 9 million acres of sage grouse habitat to extractive use, including oil and gas development. |
2018-12-28 | BLM Proposes Oil and Gas Leasing Program in Arctic Refuge | Management Plan | BLM | BLM is proposing to open up to 1.5 million acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas drilling. Comments on the proposal and draft EIS are due Feb. 11. |
2018-12-07 | BLM Proposes to Open 9 Million Acres of Sage Grouse Habitat to Drilling and Mining | Management Plan | BLM | BLM published proposed amendments to six resource management plans (RMPs) which would open up approximately 9 million acres of sage grouse habitat to oil and gas drilling and mining. |