Explanation: Agency order

Explanation: Agency order
Date | Action | Explanation | Agency | Excerpt | |
2019-05-22 | BLM Publishes Draft Environmental Assessment for Lifting Coal Leasing Moratorium | Agency order | BLM | BLM has published a draft EA for reinstating the federal coal leasing program in which it has concluded that this action will have no significant environmental effects. Comments are due June 6, 2019. |
2017-12-22 | DOI Issues Order to Rescind Climate and Mitigation Policies | Agency order, Agency policy | BLM, DOI | DOI issued Secretarial Order 3360, which rescinds the DOI’s climate and mitigation policies and directs BLM to review the Draft Regional Mitigation Strategy for the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and begin revisions to ensure it is consistent with the administration’s energy dominance goals. |
2017-08-21 | Administration Disbands Climate Science Advisory Committee | Agency order | NOAA | The Trump Administration decided not to renew the charter of the the federal advisory panel for the National Climate Assessment (NCA). |
2017-05-01 | DOI Issues Orders Aimed at Promoting Fossil Fuel Development, Implementing Trump Policies | Agency order | DOI | DOI signed two secretarial orders (Nos. 3350 and 3351) aimed at removing barriers to fossil fuel development on public lands and waters. |
2017-03-29 | DOI Issues Orders to Terminate Coal Leasing Moratorium and Environmental Review, Reconsider Climate Change Policies and Guidance | Agency order | DOI | U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke signed two secretarial orders aimed at implementing President Trump’s Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth. Secretarial Order 3348 revokes Secretarial Order 3338, thus terminating the moratorium on federal coal leasing as well as the programmatic environmental review of the federal coal leasing program. Secretarial Order 3349 calls for a reexamination of the mitigation and climate change policies and guidance that the Department of Interior issued during the Obama administration, as well as all regulations related to U.S. oil and natural gas development. |