Agency: FWS

Agency: FWS
Date | Action | Explanation | Agency | Excerpt | |
2019-08-12 | FWS Finalizes Changes to ESA Regulations Which Could Limit Consideration of How Climate Change Will Impact Species in the Future | Regulatory action | FWS, NMFS | The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) jointly announced that they had finalized changes to its Endangered Species Act (ESA) regulations, including provisions that limit the extent to which climate change impacts can be relied upon as a basis for determining whether a species should be listed as a “threatened species” under the Act. |
2018-07-19 | FWS Proposes Changes to ESA Regulations Which Could Curtail Consideration of Future Climate Change Impacts on Species | Regulatory action | FWS | FWS issued proposed changes to its Endangered Species Act (ESA) regulations which include provisions that would limit the extent to which FWS can rely on future climate change impacts as a basis for determining whether a species should be listed as a “threatened species” under the Act. |
2017-06-30 | FWS Delists Yellowstone Grizzly, Dismissing Threat Posed by Climate Change | Regulatory action | FWS | The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) published a final notice in the federal register announcing its decision to remove the Yellowstone Grizzly from the list of endangered and threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, based in part on its determination that climate change does not pose an immediate or foreseeable threat to the population segment. |
2017-01-24 | House Introduces Bill to Prevent Federal Agencies From Regulating Greenhouse Gases Under Existing Laws | Congressional action | EPA, FWS, NMFS | Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL-6) introduced a bill entitled “Stopping EPA Overreach Act of 2017” (H.R. 637). The purpose of the bill is to prevent EPA and other agencies from using their existing statutory authority federal to regulate greenhouse gases. |