Agency: CEQ

Agency: CEQ
Date | Action | Explanation | Agency | Excerpt | |
2019-06-21 | CEQ Issues New Draft Guidance on Consideration of Climate Change in NEPA Reviews | Guidance | CEQ | CEQ issued new draft guidance on the consideration of GHG emissions and climate change impacts in NEPA reviews. |
2018-06-20 | CEQ Seeks Comments on Changes to NEPA Regulations | Regulatory action | CEQ | CEQ issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking public comments on potential revisions to update NEPA regulations. The deadline for comments is July 20, 2018. |
2017-04-05 | CEQ Withdraws Guidance on NEPA and Climate Change | Guidance | CEQ | The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the withdrawal of its Final Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects of Climate Change in NEPA Reviews. |