Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (June 4, 1992) and ratification (July 9, 1993)
- KP: signature (April 29, 1998) and ratification (May 30, 2002)
- Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: +1%
- Vienna Convention: signature (March 22, 1985) and ratification (September 23, 1986)
- Montreal Protocol: signature (September 16, 1987) and ratification (June 24, 1988)
- LRTAP: signature (November 13, 1979) and ratification (February 13, 1981)
- Energy Charter: signature (June 16, 1995)
- Energy Efficiency Protocol: signature (June 16, 1995)
- Espoo Convention: signature (February 25, 1991) and ratification (June 23, 1993).
- 2030 Commitment: At least 40% reduction in 2030 compared to 1990.
Status with regard to EU Law: Although not a member of the European Union (EU), Norway is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) and must abide by EU legislation which is EEA relevant.
Federal Laws on Climate Change
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Act (2004) (as amended by Act No. 103, 2009) [English] (2012 Amendments in Norwegian)
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulation No. 1851 (2004) (amended 2013)
- Agreement between Norway and Sweden on a Common Market for Electricity Certificates (2012) [English]
Air protection
- Pollution Control Act (1981) [English]
- Regulations for Machinery (2009) [Norwegian] (Annex XII specifies emissions requirements for combustion)
- Energy Act (1990) (as amended in Act No. 131, 19 December 2003) [English]
- Law on Renewable Energy Production at Sea (2010) (amended 2014) [Norwegian]
- Regulations on Energy Labeling of Buildings and Energy Assessment of Technical Systems (2009) [Norwegian]
- Law on Value Added Tax (VAT Tax) (2009) (amended 2014) (taxing sales of electric power and vehicles; exemptions for certain sources of alternative energy sources and electric vehicles)
- Petroleum Act (1996) [Norwegian] (amended 2012)
- Petroleum Taxation Act (1975) (as amended by Act No. 51, 29 June 2007) [English] (2013 amendments in Norwegian)
Forests and Land Use
- Forestry Act (2005) (amended 2014) [Norwegian]
- Planning and Building Act (2008) [English] (2014 amendments in Norwegian)
- Government Planning Guidelines for Climate and Energy Planning in Municipalities (2009) [Norwegian]
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Planning and Building Act (2008) [English] (2014 amendments in Norwegian)
- Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment (2005) [English], superseded by Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment (2014) [Norwegian]
- Regulations on Environmental Measures by Sector (2014) [Norwegian] (requiring EIA for certain types of measures and projects)
- Product Control Act (1976) [English] (includes provisions to promote effective energy use in products)
- Law on the Labeling of Consumer Goods (Consumer Brand Law) (1981) (2014 Amendments in Norwegian)
- Law on Compensation for Natural Disasters (2014) [Norwegian]
- Law on Municipal Emergency Preparedness, Civil Protection Measures and Civil Defense (2010) [Norwegian]
- Law on the Acquisition and Exploitation of Mineral Resources (2009) [Norwegian]
- Law on the Management of Biodiversity (2009) (amended 2014) [Norwegian]
- Regulations relating to the Design and Outfitting of Offshore Petroleum Facilities (2010) [Norwegian]
- Regulations on Offshore Petroleum Activities (2010) [Norwegian]
- Environmental Information Act (2003) [English]
- Public Health Act (2011) [Norwegian]
- Human Rights Act (1999) [Norwegian] (amended 2014)
National Plans, Programs and Initiatives
- Energi21: National Strategy for Research, Development, Demonstration and Commercialisation of New Energy Technology (2014) [English]
- Large-scale Programme for Energy Research (ENERGIX) (2013) [English]
- National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) (2012) [English]
Local, State, and Regional Legislation and Initiatives
- Law on Legal Relations and Management of Land and Natural Resources in Finnmark County (2005) [Norwegian]
Government Documents
- Sixth National Communication under the UNFCCC (2014) [English]
- Agreement on National Climate Policy (2007) [English]
Factual Matters
Secondary sources
- Norway – The World’s Carbon Markets: A Case Study Guide to Emissions Trading (EDF 2013)
- Institutional Adaptation to Climate Change: Flood Responses at the Municipal Level in Norway (CICERO 2005)
- Norway – Sustainable Development: Climate Change and Fisheries Policies (OECD 2010)
- Norwegian Climate Adaptation Programme (ECAP)
- Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Civil Protection: Comparative Lessons from Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands (2011)
- Driving the Agenda for Climate Change Adaptation in Norwegian Municipalities (2013)
Updated as of: February 1, 2015