Bhutan Country Profile (World Bank)
Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (June 11, 1992) and ratification (August 25, 1995)
- KP: accession (August 26, 2002) and entry into force (February 16, 2005)
- Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: N/A
- Vienna Convention: accession (August 23, 2004)
- Montreal Protocol: accession (August 23, 2004)
- Energy Charter: N/A
- Energy Efficiency Protocol: N/A
- Espoo Convention: N/A
- 2030 commitment: intention to remain carbon neutral
- INDC summary – includes LULUCF and gases covered (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions 2015)
- INDC summary – includes adaptation and conditions for implementation (Climate Policy Observer 2016)
Federal Laws on Climate Change
- Electricity Act (2001) [English]
Forests and Land Use
- Environmental Codes of Practice, Highways and Roads (2000) [English]
- Land Act (1979) [Dzongkha]
- Land Act (2007) [English]
- Forest and Nature Conservation Act (1995) [English]
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Assessment Act (2000) [English]
- Biodiversity Act (2003) [English]
- National Environmental Protection Act (2007) [English]
National Plans, Programs and Initiative
- National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) (2005) [English]
- Bhutan: NAPA Project Profile [English]
- Climate change adaptation in Bhutan’s renewable natural resources sector (GCCA) [English]
Local, State, and Regional Legislation and Initiatives
- Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) (GCCA) (2013-2017)
Government Documents
- First National Communication to the UNFCCC (2000) [English]
- Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (2011) [English]
- Technology Needs Assessment and Technology Action Plans for Climate Change Adaptation (2013) [English]
- Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) (2015) [English]
Additional Resources
- Climate Change Strategies: Bhutan (Asia Regional Integration Center)
- Bhutan Profile (Climate Action Tracker) (2015)
- Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action: South Asia (The Adaptation Partnership/IISD) (2011)
Updated as of: August 14, 2015