Internships - Page 3

From Marketing Empty Promises to Sharing Stories of Saving the World

by |August 26th, 2018

About three months into my post college marketing career I was driving home, crying, for the third time that week. My long commute gave me plenty of time to contemplate life and on my third crying session I finally came to the realization that this career path was not for me.

Reaching for the Stars

by |August 25th, 2018

My parents always told me I could be anything I wanted when I grow up. I believed them, but even then, the mere thought of working for an agency like NASA seemed as distant as the moon.

Living on the Edge in New York City

by |August 25th, 2018

When I started my internship, I hadn’t imagined I would be wading through thickets of chest-high grass and battling prickly plants and biting insects on my field trips to the Bronx. But while it’s been a little more “jungle” in the “urban jungle” than I was expecting, that’s been a pleasant surprise.

Two to Twelve Hour Days

by |August 21st, 2018

Movement and structure. I didn’t realize how important these two words were until they recently began to shift.

So Then Why?

by |August 17th, 2018

I try creating solutions for climate adaptation and mitigation because that’s what it means to be human. We try to solve problems that threaten our survival, regardless of whether we can ever actually solve them

Finally, A Way For Cities To Track and Meet Sustainability Benchmarks

by |August 15th, 2018

Imagine an app that tracks how an entire city performs, how much fuel it needs or how much waste it generates. This is the concept behind the LEED for Cities platform.

Making My Problems Your Problems, Too

by |August 7th, 2018

Gender inequalities are easy to dismiss because they are often highly complex, easily misunderstood or overlooked, and/or simply viewed solely as a “women’s problem.” Yet those women experts in gender issues have made great strides in identifying methods that can acknowledge gender differences while also enhancing project effectiveness.

Watering Down the Global Agenda

by |August 3rd, 2018

The world is made up of 195 countries, 7.6 billion people, and an endless number of problems. How does the United Nations address them in one agenda? Which problems deserve inclusion?

Building Climate Resilience One Community at a Time

by |August 2nd, 2018

In the face of rising tides, severe weather and habitat degradation, 236 communities across New York are trying to figure out what it means to be climate smart. These local governments are working to build resilience against projected climate change impacts and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, setting an example for forward-thinking communities around the world.

To see is to believe: Truth or myth about youth, agriculture and climate change

by |August 1st, 2018

Youth, agriculture, and climate change might not seem like a logical pairing, but they fit better than you might expect.