
Why We Need to Confront Climate Change’s Colonial Legacy

by |June 6th, 2019

Far from being an artifact of the Age of Discovery, colonialism underpins our global economic system, one predicated on overconsumption and disregard for planetary boundaries. This colonial legacy allowed the U.S. and other developed nations to accumulate wealth, influence, and a massive debt of carbon emissions. Yet these wealthy and powerful countries now have a chance to address the damage done by acknowledging colonialism’s legacy and acting on climate change.

Making My Problems Your Problems, Too

by |August 7th, 2018

Gender inequalities are easy to dismiss because they are often highly complex, easily misunderstood or overlooked, and/or simply viewed solely as a “women’s problem.” Yet those women experts in gender issues have made great strides in identifying methods that can acknowledge gender differences while also enhancing project effectiveness.