
Can We Design an AlphaGo to Forecast Floods?

by |August 8th, 2017

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are some of the hottest topics in the past few decades. They have caught wide attention because their applications as diverse as data mining, self-driving cars, fingerprint identification, financial services and other fields.

The Amazing Variance of Indian Rainfall

by |September 6th, 2016

Every year, somewhere between April and September, the Indian monsoon arrives. When exactly the rainy season begins depends not only on geography, but also on other meteorological and climatological factors that can alter the monsoon arrival by nearly two months! Such a drastic year-to-year difference holds a large amount of significance to decisions makers across the country.

Here’s How Climate Information Can Guide Farmers’ Decisions

by |July 9th, 2016

When most people think of a weather forecast, they usually think of a forecast 1-10 days in advance. While these forecasts are the most familiar, they are only one end of a spectrum. On the other end are forecasts that range up to months in advance. Farmers in the developing world are increasingly using these types of forecasts to make decisions that directly impact their livelihoods.