Land and Agriculture - Page 9

Opening Up Land Contracts and Land Data … With Caution

By Kaitlin Cordes
September 21, 2016

In this blog post, Say Banerjee and Perrine Toledano illustrate CCSI’s policy recommendations to reduce ‘flaring gas’—oil that burns wastefully and is eventually disposed of during the production process. Eliminating APG (associated petroleum gas) flaring is a necessary step for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 13 on climate action and moving toward implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Categories: Blog

Submission to the SEC on Addressing Land Tenure Risks Through Regulation S-K

In July 2016, CCSI sent a submission to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to provide input into how land tenure risks could be addressed through disclosure requirements for public companies. The SEC was seeking input into modernizing business and financial disclosure requirements in Regulation S-K, including whether Regulation S-K should be amended to require… read more

Employment from Mining and Agricultural Investments: How Much Myth, How Much Reality?

Employment creation is often seen as a key benefit of investment in natural resources. However, this benefit sometimes falls short: job estimates may be inflated, governmental policies may fail to maximize employment generation, and, in some cases, investments may lead to net livelihood losses. A more thorough examination of employment tied to mining and agricultural… read more

Executive Training Program on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture

Date: July 6-15, 2016
Location: Columbia University

Land Deals and the Law: Grievances, Human Rights, and Investor Protections

Land-based investments can create significant grievances for local individuals or communities, and host governments seeking to address those grievances must navigate a complicated landscape of legal obligations and pragmatic considerations. This briefing note, funded by UK aid from the Department for International Development, focuses on practical solutions for governments confronting grievances that arise from large-scale… read more

Land Deal Dilemmas: Grievances, Human Rights, and Investor Protections

Land-based investments can create significant grievances for local individuals or communities, and host governments seeking to address those grievances must navigate a complicated landscape of legal obligations and pragmatic considerations. This report, funded by UK aid from the Department for International Development, focuses on practical solutions for governments confronting grievances that arise from large-scale investments… read more

Guide to Land Contracts: Agricultural Projects

Agricultural investment contracts can be complex, with complicated provisions that are difficult to understand. This Guide provides explanations for a range of common provisions, and includes a Glossary of legal and technical terms. It assists non-lawyers in better understanding agricultural investment contracts, such as those available on The Guide was prepared by International Senior Lawyers Project… read more

Recommending Transparency in Land-Based Investment: A Summary of Relevant Guidelines and Principles

An emerging consensus on the need for greater transparency in land-based investment is increasingly evident across various forums. This document consolidates recommendations regarding transparency featured in guidelines and principles published by international organizations, government agencies, and multilateral or multi-stakeholder groups. Viewed together, these recommendations offer insight on the evolving narrative on transparency in land-based investment,… read more

Transparency in Land-Based Investment: Key Questions and Next Steps

Large-scale investments in agriculture and forestry are often shrouded in secrecy. In many cases, they are negotiated without the involvement of affected communities, approved through opaque decision-making procedures, and governed by legal agreements that are difficult both to access and to understand. This systemic lack of transparency impedes accountability and exacerbates ongoing disagreements about the… read more

The Intersection of Human Rights and Land Rights in Myanmar

Date: February 9, 2016, 12:10–1:10 pm
Location: Columbia Law School, Jerome Greene Hall, Room 807