Extractive Industries - Page 6

Mining a Mirage: Reassessing the Shared-Value Paradigm in Light of the Technological Advances in the Mining Sector

While there has been a strong tendency in resource rich countries to push for more stringent local content regulations, the mining sector is looking to move towards increased automation. In this study titled “Mining a Mirage: Reassessing the Shared-Value Paradigm in Light of the Technological Advances in the Mining Sector,” CCSI, IISD and Engineers Without… read more

Submission to the SEC on Addressing Land Tenure Risks Through Regulation S-K

In July 2016, CCSI sent a submission to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to provide input into how land tenure risks could be addressed through disclosure requirements for public companies. The SEC was seeking input into modernizing business and financial disclosure requirements in Regulation S-K, including whether Regulation S-K should be amended to require… read more

Employment from Mining and Agricultural Investments: How Much Myth, How Much Reality?

Employment creation is often seen as a key benefit of investment in natural resources. However, this benefit sometimes falls short: job estimates may be inflated, governmental policies may fail to maximize employment generation, and, in some cases, investments may lead to net livelihood losses. A more thorough examination of employment tied to mining and agricultural… read more

Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas

In September 2020, in partnership with the Responsible Mining Foundation (RMF), CCSI published a new report Mining and the SDGs: a 2020 status update as a follow-up to the 2016 Mapping Mining to the SDGs Atlas (see below).  This report provides an update on what large-scale mining companies are doing to integrate and report on SDGs in… read more

Linkages to the Resource Sector: The Role of Companies, Governments, and International Development Cooperation

With support from GIZ, CCSI prepared a report titled “Linkages to the Resource Sector: The Role of Companies, Governments, and International Development Cooperation.” It outlines options for how these stakeholders can increase the economic linkages to the extractive industries sector not only in terms of ‘breadth’ (number of linkages) but also in terms of ‘depth’… read more

A Policy Framework to Approach the Use of Associated Petroleum Gas

CCSI developed A Policy Framework to Approach the Use of Associated Petroleum Gas. Associated Petroleum Gas (APG) is a form of natural gas that is found associated with petroleum fields. APG is often flared or vented for regulatory, economic or technical reasons. The flaring, however, is problematic from health and environmental perspectives. Moreover, flaring and venting APG wastes… read more

Executive Training Program on Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development

Date: June 6-17, 2016
Location: Columbia University

Solutions to the Resource Curse: Learning from the Commodity Price Shock

Date: March 28, 2016, 12:10–1:10 pm
Location: Columbia Law School, Jerome Greene Hall, Room 646

Non-renewable but Sustainable? Confronting Environmental and Social Challenges to the Raw Materials Industry

Date: February 25, 2016, 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Columbia University, Hogan Hall, Conference Room A

EITI Global Conference Side Events on Data to Development and Contract Transparency

Date: February 23-24, 2016
Location: Lima, Peru