blog - Page 7

In Jharkhand, Using an Old Technique for Sustainable Water

By Sandeep Dixit and Abhijit Sharan
May 24, 2017

In this blog post, Sandeep Dixit and Abhijit Sharan write on the drought in the Indian state of Jharkhand that has caused more than 20 million farmers to suffer. In effort to correct the state’s dependence on rain-fed agriculture and input modern farming practices, the Centers for International Projects Trust in New Delhi has collaborated with Ranchi’s Birsa Agricultural University to work on construction of small ponds (called “dobhas”) under its Sustainable Agriculture and Farmers’ Livelihood program.

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The Risks and Impacts of Expropriating Community Lands

By Sam Szoke-Burke
December 20, 2016

In this blog post, Sam Szoke-Burke describes how governments using land for large-scale projects must consider both the greater public benefits as well as the needs of the people who reside on and utilize the resources of the land. The risks of land expropriation include: an excessive demand on public resources, ruins to property and disruption to investment projects, and damage to government reputations. Therefore, both domestic and international human rights law must be considered.

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Toward a Carbon-Neutral Future: Why Land and Resource Rights Matter

By Stephen Brooks
October 27, 2016

In this blog post, Stephen Brooks explains how strong institutions, laws, and policies are critical to ensuring that the destabilizing effects of climate change don’t impinge on the rights of local populations. As climate change continues to pose a significant threat to the poorest citizens and puts strain on government systems, it is critical to recognize that the push to reduce emissions and switch to clean energy sources intersects with securing land and resource rights for impacted communities.

Categories: Blog

Can Climate Litigation Support Global Action on Climate Change?

By Alejandra Cicero and Jesse Coleman
October 24, 2016

In this blog post, Alejandra Cicero and Jesse Coleman give numerous examples —Pakistan, the Netherlands, the Philippines, and others—that illustrate how climate action depends on regional, domestic, and international engagement. With strong and coherent jurisprudential narratives on legal responsibility for climate change, there is potential for success in influencing private sector action.

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Protecting Intellectual Property While Mitigating Climate Change: Can We Do Both?

By Romany Webb
October 19, 2016

In this blog post, Romany Webb writes on the debate between industrialized and developing countries over the use of patents on technology that addresses climate change. To achieve the Paris Climate agreement’s goals and the Sustainable Development Goals, action should be taken to remove impediments in international treaties.

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No Free Passes: Making Renewable Energy Responsible

By Sam Szoke-Burke and Kaitlin Cordes
October 17, 2016

In this blog post, Sam Szoke-Burke and Kaitlin Cordes explain how the diversion from fossil-fuel based energy to renewables must be done responsibly with governments, financiers, and energy companies complying with international best practices to ensure that land rights and human rights are respected.

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Leaving Fossil Fuels in the Ground: Who, What and When?

By James Morrissey and Nicolas Maennling
October 14, 2016

In this blog post, James Morrissey and Nicolas Maennling discuss a report by Oxfam that revealed significant information. If developed countries bore the full burden of stranding their own assets, the known fossil fuel reserves in developing countries (not including China) could be exploited, and the world would still stand a 50% chance of keeping global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees C.

Categories: Blog

Stranding Equitably in the Current Market and Geopolitical Context

By Albert Bressand
October 13, 2016

In this blog post, Albert Bressand discusses how the world’s production of oil and gas could be significantly reduced in manner that will also protect the interests of lower-income producing countries. He looks into the market and geopolitical context in which proposals can be implemented that stay on carbon budget and leave two thirds of the fossil fuel reserves unburnt.

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Shareholders Turn Up the Heat on Climate Change

By Wendy Hapgood
October 12, 2016

In this blog post, Wendy Hapgood describes new developments in strategizing oil and gas company shareholder engagement on climate change. Looking into the history and current activities regarding the roles that shareholders can play in social and environmental justice, she explains how they have the potential to be a major force in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Categories: Blog

Tunisia Says Yes to Resource Contract Transparency

By Wissem Heni, Anders Pedersen, Rob Pitman, Charles Young, Sam Szoke-Burke
October 11, 2016

In this blog post, Wissem Hen, Anders Pedersen, Rob Pitman, Charles Young, and Sam Szoke-Burke look into the recently implemented ResourceContracts site for the publication of newly released hydrocarbon investment contracts and associated documents.

Categories: Blog