Types Long-term Planning and Revenue Management
Long-term Planning and Revenue Management
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Managing the Public Trust: How to Make Natural Resource Funds Work for Citizens
The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) and CCSI have conducted a world-wide survey of Natural Resource Funds (NRF). The survey considers NRF management, investments, transparency, and accountability to the public, as well as the fiscal rules that govern them. This project seeks to foster cross-country experience-sharing on fund governance.
Paraguay: Leveraging Paraguay’s Hydropower for Sustainable Economic Development
This advisory project, undertaken for the Government of Paraguay, explored the potential for creating a climate risk management system, and developing sustainable agricultural activities, to mitigate environmental vulnerability; and developed a high-level strategic plan around using Paraguay’s vast hydropower resources for sustainable economic development, and the diversification of its economy.
Timor-Leste: Support to the Strategic Development Plan
CCSI supported the drafting and adoption of the 20 year Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for Timor-Leste, and helped to develop new institutions and laws to optimize the use of the country’s petroleum fund for development.