Perrine Toledano
Head: Mining and Energy

Perrine Toledano heads the Center’s focus on Mining and Energy. She leads research, training and advisory projects on the governance of extractive industries including on fiscal regimes, financial modeling, leveraging extractive industry investments in rail, port, telecommunications, water and energy infrastructure for broader development needs, local content, revenue management, and optimal legal provisions for development benefits. She also leads work on the impact of the energy transition on extractive industry investments and resource rich countries as well as on the deployment of large-scale investments in renewable energy, and how such investments can align with broader development objectives. She has led projects in DRC, Liberia, Paraguay, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Timor-Leste, and assisted many more government teams remotely. She also jointly developed curricula for a masters and an executive course on extractives and sustainable development taught at Columbia University. She is the co-editor of two volumes published by Columbia University Press: Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options and The New Frontiers of Sovereign Investment. Prior to joining CCSI, she worked as a consultant for several non-profit organizations, including the World Bank, DFID, and Revenue Watch Institute (now NRGI), and private sector companies, including Natixis Corporate Investment Bank and Ernst and Young. Her experience includes auditing, financial analysis, IT for capital markets, public policy evaluation, and cross-border project management. She has a Masters of Business Administration from ESSEC in Paris, France, and a Masters of Public Administration from Columbia University.
Selected Publications
- African Mining and the SDGs: From Vision to Reality, 2019-06-14
- A Model for “Smart” Mineral Enterprise Development for Spurring Investment in Climate Change Mitigation Technology, 2019
- Implementing Shared-Use of Mining Infrastructure to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, 2018-01
- Il Contributo Delle Compagnie Oil & Gas Nel Raggiungimento Degli Obiettivi Energetici E Climatici (How Oil and Gas Companies Can Help Meet the Global Goals on Energy and Climate Change), 2017-03-28
- Global Value Chains and Resource Corridors: The Nexus is Regional Integration, 2015-12
- Mining Contracts: How to Read and Understand Them, 2013-12
- Background Paper on Investment Incentives for Eighth Columbia International Investment Conference, 2013-11-08
- Why the Extractive Industry Should Support Mandatory Transparency: A Shared Value Approach, 2013-09
- A Prickly Partnership Takes Root, 2013-01
- Devil in the Bidding Detail, op. ed., 2012-09-28
- Memo to the SEC on the Proposed Rule on Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers, 2011-12-16