Karl P. Sauvant
Resident Senior Fellow
![Karl P. Sauvant](http://wordpress.ei.columbia.edu/vcc/files/2014/01/KPS-photo-09-e1391190561578-150x150.jpg)
Karl P. Sauvant is Resident Senior Fellow at CCSI. In addition to his research at the Center, he also serves as an Adjunct Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia Law School; Fellow at the Academy of International Business; and Honorary Fellow at the European International Business Academy. He is also Guest Professor at Nankai University, China.
He was the Founding Executive Director of CCSI (previously the Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment) until February 2012. While in this role, he launched the Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy, the Columbia FDI Perspectives, the Columbia FDI Profiles, the annual Columbia International Investment Conference, the Investment Law and Policy Speaker Series, and the Emerging Markets Global Players project. He teaches a seminar on FDI and public policy and has published widely in the international investment area. Until October 2011, he was also the Co-Director of the Millennium Cities Initiative at the Earth Institute, responsible for helping African cities attract investment.
Prior to his time with the CCSI, he served as the Director of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's (UNCTAD’s) Investment Division, the focal point in the UN system for matters related to FDI, as well as a major interface with the private sector. While at the UN, he created the prestigious annual World Investment Report, of which he was the lead author until 2004. In 1992, he founded the journal Transnational Corporations, serving as its editor until 2005. He provided intellectual leadership and guidance to a series of 25 monographs on key issues related to international investment agreements, which were published in 2004/05 in three volumes. Together with Prof. John H. Dunning, he edited a 20-volume Library on Transnational Corporations (published by Routledge). His name is associated with a great number of United Nations publications on FDI over his three decades of service in the UN. He holds a Bachelor's equivalent from the Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany), a Master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and received his Ph.D. degree in 1975 from the University of Pennsylvania.
Selected Publications
- Making FDI More Sustainable: Towards an Indicative List of FDI Sustainability Characteristics, 2019-12
- The Case for an Advisory Centre on International Investment Law, 2019-10-17
- How Can Foreign Direct Investment Fulfil Its Development Potential in Least Developed Countries?, 2019-06-27
- The Potential Value-added of a Multilateral Framework on Investment Facilitation for Development, 2019-06
- Determining Quality FDI: A Commentary on the OECD’s “FDI Qualities Project”, 2019-04-20
- The Significance of International Investment Law, 2019-03-21
- Emerging Markets and the International Investment Law and Policy Regime, 2019
- Buenos Aires Summit is a Good Place to Start Fighting Back Against Unilateralism, 2018-11-27
- Putting FDI on the G20 Agenda, 2018-08-03
- Time to Move Ahead with Investment Facilitation, 2018-07-05
- China Moves the G20 Toward an International Investment Framework and Investment Facilitation, 2018
- Reactions to China’s Cross-Border Investment and International Investment Law, 2017-08
- A New Challenge for Emerging Markets: The Need to Develop an Outward FDI Policy, 2017-07-31
- After Successes at Hangzhou G20, it’s Germany’s Turn to Keep Momentum Going, 2017-01-13
- Reforming the International Investment Regime: Two Challenges, 2017
- National FDI Policy Competition and the Changing International Investment Regime, 2016-10
- Fortschritte Beim Globalem Investitionsabkommen (Progress Toward a Global Investment Agreement), 2016-09-9
- How Investment Agreements Can Protect Free Media, 2016-07
- The Evolving International Investment Law and Policy Regime: Ways Forward, 2016-06
- China, the G20 and the International Investment Regime, 2016-05
- The Challenge: How Can Foreign Direct Investment Fulfil Its Development Potential?, 2016
- The Next Step in Governance: The Need for Global Micro-Regulatory Frameworks in the Context of Expanding International Production, 2016
- Lessons From the Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations and Related Instruments, 2016
- 中国与G20:为诸边或多边投资协定奠定基础 (China and the G20: Laying the Basis for a Plurilateral/Multilateral Investment Agreement), 2016
- An Institutional Roadmap to Sustainable Investment, 2015-11-17
- China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment and International Investment Law, 2015-11
- Policy Options for Promoting Foreign Direct Investment in the Least Developed Countries, 2015-09
- Attracting Foreign Direct Investment and Benefiting from it: Challenges for the Least Developed Countries, 2015-06
- The Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, 2015-03
- China Needs ‘Going-In’ Rules for FDI Goodwill, 2014-06-23
- China’s Regulatory Framework for Outward Foreign Direct Investment, 2014-02
- Challenges for China’s Outward FDI, 2013-10-31
- Inward and Outward FDI Country Profiles, Second Edition 2013, 2013-08
- Advancing Domestic Development Through Overseas Investment, 2013-07
- Investment to the Fore in EU-US Partnership, 2013-06-20
- Foreign Direct Investment by Emerging Economy Multinationals: Coping with the Global Crisis, 2013
- Prospering in the United States, 2013
- FDI Perspectives: Issues in International Investment, 2nd Edition, 2012-11
- FDI Perspectives: Issues in International Investment, 2nd Edition, edited by Karl P. Sauvant and Jennifer Reimer, 2012-11
- Equal Treatment for Outward Investors, op. ed., 2012-06-12
- New kid on the block learning the rules, 2012-04
- Foreword - Russian Multinationals: From Regional Supremacy to Global Lead, 2012
- Sovereign Investment: Concerns and Policy Reactions, 2012
- Negotiations on the Bilateral Investment Treaty Between China and the USA: Consensus, Controversies and Prospect (in Chinese), 2012
- Foreword - Impacts of Emerging Economies and Firms on International Business, 2012
- China, Inc. goes global, op. ed., 2011-11-30
- Is the United States ready for FDI from China?, 2011-11-10
- You don’t have to be big to be a multinational, 2011-08-25
- Overcoming liability of foreignness, op. ed., 2011-05-23
- Learning from experience: An interview with three experts, 2011-05
- Special Issue of Transnational Corporations, 2011-04
- China: Inward and Outward Foreign Direct Investment, 2011-03
- Inward and Outward FDI Country Profiles, 2011-01
- FDI Perspectives: Issues in International Investment, 2011-01
- MNEs from Emerging Markets: New Players in the World FDI Market, 2011-01
- Interview with Karl P. Sauvant for “The Rise of China” (video), 2011
- The regulatory framework for investment: where are we headed?, 2011
- Reports of Overseas Private Investment Corporation Determinations, 2011
- The Evolving International Investment Regime: Expectations, Realities, Options, 2011
- Le Defi Chinois, op. ed., 2010-12-02
- Interview with Karl P. Sauvant in O Globo., 2010-11-22
- Investing in the United States: Is the U.S. Ready for FDI From China?, 2010
- Foreign Direct Investment from Emerging Markets: The Challenges Ahead, 2010
- The Rise of Indian Multinationals, 2010
- Preface - Transnational Corporations in China: Research and Development, 2010
- FDI Protectionism Is on the Rise, 2009-09
- We must guard against growing protectionism, op. ed., 2009-08-04
- Watch out for the rise of protectionism in FDI, 2009-03-14
- Memo to the Obama Administration on “Improving the International Investment Regime”, 2009-01-29
- The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment: Bilateral Investment Treaties, Double Taxation Treaties and Investment Flows, 2009
- The rise of FDI protectionism, 2009
- Pondering FDI in Crisis: investment could drop or it just might rise, op. ed., 2008-11-28
- Emerging markets’ FDI strikes sensitive nerve, op. ed., 2008-10-23
- Chinese Direct Investment in the United States– The Challenges Ahead, 2008
- Des contrats plus justes pour les pays pauvres, op. ed., 2008
- Outward FDI from Emerging Markets: Some Policy Issues, 2008
- The Rise of Transnational Corporations from Emerging Markets: Threat or Opportunity?, 2008
- Appeals Mechanism in International Investment Disputes, 2008
- Chávez strategy points to emerging nation rethink on approach to FDI, 2007-01-15
- Africa: the FDI opportunities are local, 2007-01
- FDI goes local: the Millennium Cities Initiative, 2007
- Without investment, the countries have nothing to trade, 2006-12-27
- Les investisseurs étrangers sont-ils encore les bienvenus? op. ed., 2006-10-10
- We need to think about policy implications of integration, 2006-06-14
- A backlash against foreign direct investment?, 2006
- Reservoirs of the future, 2005