Chinese Outward Investment: An Emerging Policy Framework
Edited by Lise Johnson, Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder and Jianping Zhang (Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development and Institute for International Economic Research, 2012).
The rapid rise and increasingly significant size of Chinese outward investment is attracting attention and provoking debate not only from a purely economic but also a sustainable development perspective. While the legal and policy frameworks in the recipient country are key to achieving development that is sustainable from the inflowing capital, the roles of international frameworks, as well as China’s domestic legal and policy framework governing its outward investment, are also significant.
Yet despite their importance, Chinese primary materials relating to its outward investment are generally difficult to find and, if available, scattered among various sources. Lise Johnson, along with Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder and Jianping Zhang, have therefore compiled an English-language booklet of over 80 primary texts relevant to Chinese policy on Chinese outward investment to facilitate access to these materials.
The ebook volume is available for download here.