Equity Considerations for the Poorest—The Implications of Climate Action in Low-Income Countries

Date: December 5, 2016
Location: World Bank Headquarters, Washington DC

CCSI organized a panel on “Equity Considerations for the Poorest—The Implications of Climate Action in Low-Income Countries” at the World Bank’s Law, Justice and Development Week. The panel, featuring Jeffrey Sachs (SDSN), Nicolas Maennling (CCSI), Liane Lohde (IFC) and James Morrissey (Oxfam), explored whether, how, and to what extent low-carbon strategies can and should be adapted to accommodate the needs of low-income countries. The panelists explored questions related to whether low-income countries should be allowed to “have the right of last extraction,” how that can be achieved practically, and in the medium to longer-run, what financial and technical support developing countries will need to transition their economies away from carbon-dependence. More information is available here.