Comparing Lessons Learned for Extractive Industry Investments and Large Land-Based Agricultural Investments
CCSI has brought together stakeholders to explore good governance initiatives for extractive industry investments and large land-based agricultural investments—in particular, whether, and if so, why, certain good governance efforts may be more advanced in one industry than in the other, and what could be done to further advance governance initiatives in both industries. To catalyze thinking in this area, CCSI hosted a one-day roundtable on the topic, convening representatives from civil society, the private sector, governments, and academia to consider similarities and differences in good governance initiatives for natural resource investments.
The roundtable also allowed participants to explore potential ways to follow up on the discussion with collaborative research or on-going exchange. CCSI continues to work on this issue, actively pursuing projects and activities that fall within the extractives and land nexus. More information about the event is available here, and an outcome document of the roundtable is available here.