Development Banking in the Global Economy: State of Play and Future Direction

This report analyses the size, scale and persistence of national development banks and offers ten clear observations and conclusions of the role of NDBs for the achievement of sustainable development globally. The Executive Summary can be found here.

This report analyzes NDBs top down and bottom up. Top down, it includes the most recent data on the number of NDBs along with their total assets and annual disbursements. Bottom up, we conduct systematic case studies of various development bank ecosystems, including those of India, Brazil, China, South Africa, Germany and the US, to begin analyzing their role in the national development bank economy.

The Role and Potential of National Development Banks

CCSI’s work on the role of National Development Banks (NDBs) focuses on the role of NDBs in global development financial flows, and the ways in which these important institutions can become more significant actors for financing sustainable development. This includes the creation of new financial intermediaries that connect the world’s savings pools (pension funds, sovereign wealth funds) to NDBs. In order for NDBs to achieve their potential, coordination among academia, policy makers, financial institutions, and civil society will be critical.