ESG and Public Funds: Risks and Opportunities in Investment Practices

Date: November 7, 2018, 6:30pm – 7:45pm
Location: Columbia Business School, Uris Hall, Room 141

Investing according to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria is growing in popularity and visibility, whether it be negatively screened “socially responsible” funds that filter out harmful investments or positively screened “impact investments” that target investments with desirable effects. As the movement gains momentum, so do questions about moral and fiduciary responsibilities and the proper place for ESG concerns in investment strategies, especially as relate to public sector or mission-driven funds and endowments.

This panel, co-hosted by CCSI and the Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy, sought to address some of these questions. After remarks by CCSI Director Lisa Sachs and Richman Center Director Kathleen Rithisorn, Richman Center Senior Fellow Aamir A. Rehman moderated a discussion between Ronald J. Gilson, Marc and Eva Stern Professor of Law and Business, Columbia Law School and Carol Jeppesen, Senior US Network Manager, UN Principles for Responsible Investment.

Video of the event (in two parts) is available at the links below:

Video 1

Video 2

A write-up of the event is available here.