Webinar: The Global Tax Haven Industry — Before and After the “Panama Papers”

Date: April 21, 2016, 11:00am-12:30pm
Location: Webinar

To view the video of the webinar please click here.

What’s the global tax haven industry, and why does it matter? What are the latest metrics about the size and growth of offshore flight wealth by country? How much has poured out of Russia and China?

How long have we known about the industry?  Why has it been permitted to grow for 5 decades? Why have the IMF and World Bank generally done very little about it?

What’s been the impact on the progressivity of global taxation? On patterns of global investment? Why are Argentina’s two largest multinationals based in Luxembourg?

In this webinar, James S Henry, an investigative economist and lawyer, former Director of Economic Research at Mckinsey & Co, Senior Fellow at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, and Senior Advisor to the Tax Justice Network, spoke about the scope, background and special importance of the Panama Papers in the context of the global tax haven industry. He discussed the key policy implications, and potential responses, including, for example, an international commission with subpoena power; preventive technical measures like auto info exchange, beneficial ownership registration, and wealth pledges by public officials; tougher penalties for “enablers,” and more resources for international law enforcement.

Recommended viewing:

Panama Papers – Secrets of the Super Rich

Dirty Little Secrets

James S Henry, who has been intimately involved in the release and analysis of the Panama Papers, is the author of many books and articles on havens, including The Blood Bankers (Basic, 2005), Global Tax Fairness (Oxford University Press, 1/2016), the soon be published Pirate Bankers, and The Price of Offshore Revisited, the most detailed study to date of the size and growth of the global haven industry. Together with other investigators and film makers, he has also helped to produce three closely related documentaries on the subject, including “The Price We Pay” (TIFF, 2014), “Panama Papers – Secrets of the Super Rich” (Australia Four Corners, 2016), and “Dirty Little Secrets” (Fusion Network, 2016).

Co-sponsored by:

Sustainable Development Solutions Network