Online Forum: New Thinking on Investment Treaties
Beginning on June 15, 2015, CCSI and the Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford University launched a series of short presentations by academics, practitioners, and civil society on key topics in international investment law. The series facilitates open access to cutting-edge research and information, and aims to help enrich discussions about the past, present, and future of investment treaties.
All presentations will be posted here. Please subscribe to the channel and visit our website for updates.
This is an ongoing series.
Presentations include:
June 15, 2015: Jonathan Bonnitcha, Visiting Fellow in International Investment Law and Policy, Australian National University. “A Solution in Search of a Problem: An Economic Perspective on Investment Treaties”
June 29, 2015: Jan Kleinheisterkamp, London School of Economics, Department of Law. “No Greater Rights – but Still Meaningful Investment Protection? The Need for Cohesion at the National and International Level”
July 30, 2015: Jason Yackee, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School. “The Costs and Benefits of Investor-State Dispute Settlement”
August 10, 2015: Kevin Gallagher, Professor of Global Development Policy, Co-director Global Economic Governance Initiative, Boston University. “Safeguarding Financial Instability in IIAs”
August 24, 2015: Prabhash Ranjan, Assistant Professor, South Asian University. “India’s 2015 Draft Model BIT – Has it Gone Too Far?”
September 7, 2015: Secretary Pedro Mendonça Cavalcante, Brazilian Ministry of External Relations. “The Investment Cooperation and Facilitation Agreement – A New Approach to Investment Treaties”
September 21, 2015: Taylor St. John, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford. “Investment Treaties and Investment Arbitration: Historically Separate”
October 19, 2015: Anna Joubin-Bret, Avocat à la Cour, Cabinet Joubin-Bret (Paris). “Reshaping Investor-State Dispute Settlement – Appellate Mechanisms in Investment Treaties or a Standing International Court?”
January 29, 2016: Lauge Poulsen, Assistant Professor, University College London. “The Politics of Investment Treaties in Developing Countries”
March 7, 2016: Mona Pinchis, King’s College London, “The Forgotten U.S. Purpose of ‘Fair and’ ‘Equitable Treatment’ Clauses in Post-War Commercial Treaties”
March 22, 2016: Gus Van Harten, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. “Who Has Benefited from Foreign Investor Protections Like Those in the TPP, CETA, and TTIP?”
December 18, 2017: Mavluda Sattorova, Senior Lecturer, Liverpool Law School, “The Impact of Investment Treaty Law on Host States”