Should Universities and Pension Funds Divest From Fossil Fuel Stocks?

Date: November 24, 2014 7-9pm
Location: Columbia Law School, Jerome Greene Hall, Room 103

Video of event is available here.

In view of the mounting scientific evidence of the perils of climate change, there is growing pressure on universities, pension funds, foundations, religious institutions, and others to divest from the stock of fossil fuel companies. This panel discussion explored whether divestment is consistent with the fiduciary duties of fund trustees, and whether divestment is the best way for investors to influence corporate behavior. The speakers included both proponents and opponents of divestment, as well as experts on the effect of divestment on portfolio value and its place in the corporate social responsibility movement.

Bennett Freeman, Senior Vice President, Sustainability Research and Policy, Calvert Investments
Stephen Heintz, President, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
John Willis, Portfolio Manager, Sustainable Insight Capital Management
Christianna Wood, President and Chief Executive Officer, Gore Creek Capital, Ltd.

Michael B. Gerrard, Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice and Director, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School

Sabin Center for Climate Change Law • The Earth Institute of Columbia University • Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment • Environmental Law Clinic, Columbia Law School • Environmental Law Society, Columbia Law School

This program was generously supported by the David Sive Memorial Fund.