Spring 2008 Speaker Series on Foreign Investment & Globalization
Date: February 28 – April 24, 2008
Location: Columbia University
Co-organized by the Center on Global Legal Problems and the Columbia Program on International Investment
February 28th
Mark Kantor
Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Law Center
Fellow, Columbia Program on International InvestmentĀ Damages
March 27th
Todd Weiler
Adjunct Professor, Washington College of Law
Editor of NAFTA Claims.com
Most Favored Nation: Has Practice Really Followed Theory?
April 3rd
Charles H. Brower, II
Jessie D. Puckett, Jr., Lecturer and Croft Associate Professor of International Law
University of Mississippi School of Law
Investment Arbitration and the Public Interest
April 24th
Peter Muchlinski
Professor in International Commercial Law, University of London
Foreign Investment Regulation in an Uncertain World: The Issue of National Security